Advantages of Tile Adhesives


There is a number of tile adhesives Brisbane Northside available in the Brisbane Northdale market. In recent years, it has become a popular choice over just the traditional sand-cement mixture.

Tile adhesives are now preferred to be used by tilers in Brisbane Northdale because of its many advantages over the traditional sand-cement mixture. Here are some of the list of advantages that will make you want to opt for tile adhesives Brisbane Northside and ditch your plain sand-cement mixture when doing tile installation.


1.    Ease of Use

Tile adhesives are very convenient to use because you only have to mix it with water. Spread the tile adhesive mixture on the tiles, position the tiles nicely then see how it dries fast in place. There’s no need to soak the tiles. Make sure though to have full contact of the tile’s back with the mixture to provide strong and long-lasting bondage between the tiles and the adhesive. Adjusting the tiles to its perfect fit will not be a problem as long as it is done within a certain period of time. This is because tile adhesives Brisbane Northside easily glide to the surface giving more control to the person doing the tiling job. Nice and neat finishes are very easy to achieve even if you are not a professional tiler. Hence, tiling job will be much faster to complete. Also, the specially-formulated mixture of the tile adhesive makes tiling a breeze and avoids long hours of waiting for tiles to dry.

2.    Affordability

Tile adhesives can be spread in thinner layers compared to sand-cement mixtures. An approximate area of 4 to 5 square meters will only use up 20 kgs of tile adhesives. The traditional sand-cement mixture makes it likely for material to be wasted because oftentimes thick layers of application is required for tiles to strongly bond on a surface. Tile adhesives are formulated according to its specific uses of applications like laying large-size granite size tiles (up from 60 x 60 cm), laying tiles on polished substrates, doing dry wall system, redoing existing tiles without removing them, laying tiles on outside areas like parking and industrial spaces, swimming pools, and etc. Therefore, tile adhesive is a popular choice for tilers because of its cost-effectiveness guaranteeing lots of savings in your pocket.


3.    Aesthetics

When setting tiles, tile adhesives produce nice and neat finishes because tile adhesives are formulated to bond the tiles on any surfaces with optimum setting as a result of the high-quality formulations specifically put together for different tiling jobs. Typical tile adhesive formulations are composed of OPC CEM 42.5R grade, Hydroxyethyl methyl cellulose, Vinyl acetate ethylene re dispersible powder, Filler (silica sand, 0.09-0.25 mm). These ingredients guarantee strong and tough bondage of the tiles against any surfaces like floors, walls, etc. Because of the additive that is found on tile adhesives, water is retained and does not dry as fast as the sand-cement mixture. This avoids difficulty in adjusting the tiles after being laid out on a surface. Sand-cement mixture only leads to uneven application and most likely to create problems on the corners of the tiles which will be the reason of de-bonded tiles in the future.
